fragances info request from mexico

日期:2023-10-16    墨西哥
fragances info request from mexico
Good morning, am writing to you to ask if your company manufactures fragances that can be used in the home care industry, we are manufacturers of home cleaning products and detergents and we are looking to procure fragances from China, we are looking for new fragances and combinatios that can help us to launch new aromas into the Mexican market, we would like to have quotations EXW Ningbo since we have our partner Warehouses there and also check if we have to comply with regulations regarding the shipment to USA and then importing to México the materials and fragances.

Thank you very much in advance for your kind reply.

  • 公司:******
  • 姓名:Jesus Cheda
  • 电话:******
  • E-MAIL:******
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